Why chiropractic?
Looking for a family chiropractor in Glendale, AZ? Stein Chiropractic offers a unique method of hands-on spinal adjusting, the Gonstead System of Chiropractic. Complying with the definition of true chiropractic as defined by D. D. Palmer, the founder of Chiropractic in 1895, Dr. Gonstead discovered there was no substitute or better method for analyzing and correcting spinal misalignments than with a pair of skilled chiropractic hands; which remains true today.
Chiropractic is a health care system based on a scientific fact that your body is a self-healing system. Common conditions we address are back pain, neck pain, whiplash, sciatica and headaches. It can be used to cure a number of other conditions including TMJ, allergies, asthma, ear infections and more. The goal of the Gonstead Method is to address the root musculoskeletal misalignments causing a patient's pain, rather than simply masking these symptoms with the treatment of drugs or medication.
At 7 ft. 2 in. tall, Dr. Torsten Stein, BS DC has experienced spinal problems since the age of 14. Medical treatments over the years just addressed the symptoms but didn't correct the underlying issues. He was sent to a chiropractor by the New Jersey Nets where he attended an NBA rookie camp. After that experience he decided to become a chiropractor himself. In his first quarter of chiropractic school he was introduced to the Gonstead Method. Ever since he has dedicated his professional life to master this system of chiropractic. Find out here what makes this system so unique that some patients travel not just from Glendale, Peoria and Phoenix, but from all over the world to experience it.
Let us help stop your suffering and call (623)521-3981 today to schedule your initial consultation.

The World's Tallest Chiropractor
Dr. Torsten Stein, B.S. D.C.
CALL US AT (623)-521-3981
The Citadel at Arrowhead Ranch
19420 N. 59th Ave. Ste. H-810
Glendale, AZ 85308
Your Immune System
In a paper from May 6th 2011 Dynamic Chiropractic, research has shown that chiropractic can indeed do more than just help neck pain, headaches or sciatica. Don’t get me wrong, if this is all chiropractic could do I would still have my hands full with patients asking for just that. And I have to be honest…
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Just a few weeks ago I met a young man who told me his main reason for visiting my office is “Failed Back Surgery Syndrome”. I knew several people who have undergone back surgery and many of them told me that there was no change in symptoms after the surgery. I had no idea that…
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